May 20, 2024

Jesus' Paraclete Promise

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth:
it is to your advantage that I go away,
for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you;
but if I go, I will send him to you.

Our family had experienced a financial crisis.

We had to move into our summer cottage, have it winterized, and begin a new school.

My Dad knew I was anxious about entering high school, from my new elementary school.

So, Dad said to me that when I get off the school bus, and before I enter the building, stop, take a deep breath and say to myself, "you can do this."

Weird as it felt, I did as Pop said.

It was a good day.

The words, their source, the deep breath, brought comfort to my anxious heart.

Jesus, was aware of the tensions created by his ministry realized the disciples would be facing a crisis after his death.

To care for his disciples, Jesus promised he would pray to God to send the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, that would comfort them in their anxiety. (John 14:16).

Jesus’ Paraclete promise is to accompany them just as Jesus has been accompanying them.

In a sense, the Paraclete would be God’s EMT of comfort in their times of acute need.

It works like this.

Frequently I come home from worship on Sunday with a sense of spiritual frustration due to my hearing and mobility disabilities.

I can usually get a few words from the sermon and almost none from the prayer requests.

The acoustics in the Fellowship Hall eliminate much conversation.

Last Sunday the teenager living around the corner stopped his bike and we chatted a few minutes.

He’s been through a lot in his 17 years, homelessness, mom’s medical crisis, and caring for his 8-year-old brothers.

Yet there is a positive sense of like that radiates from him in his smile and greeting.

That brief encounter comforted the spiritual frustration of that morning.

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