Oct 14, 2024

And All Will Be Well.

“Let us therefore approach the
throne of grace with boldness,
so that we may receive mercy and
find grace to help in time of need.”

Empathizing with the suffering experienced by the people devastated by the hurricanes is beyond my capacity.

I see the damage, I watch evacuating traffic, I hear the stories of people coping with unimaginable situations.

What must it be like to dig through the rubble and mud to search for remnants of one’s life?

This morning in my devotional reading I came across a quote from Julian of Norwich: “But all will be well, and all will be well, and every kind of thing will be well”.

This often-quoted passage is from her book, Showings, where she deals with the concept of sin.

Why, she asks did God allow sin in the first place?

The question I ask is, “Why, God?”

Why have you allowed the suffering and devastation of so many people?

When I look at the world and into my own soul, it’s hard to believe “All will be well,” that we will receive grace to help in time of need.

Yet I believe we will receive grace to help in time of need, in God’s time and God’s way.

I believe that because I trust God that Jesus has already suffered “the sins of the world” and already overcome them though the Resurrection.

Jesus, the Son of God, is touched by the feelings and experiences of our pain, suffering, and sorrow and comforted us.

And so I have hope that beyond the brokenness of the world and our lives, in God’s time and in God’s way, “everything will be well” 

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