Jul 29, 2024

Mama Cats' Bread

Then Jesus took the 5 loaves, and when he had given thanks,
he distributed them to those who were seated;
so also the fish, as much as they wanted.
When they were satisfied, he told his disciples,
“Gather up the fragments left over, so that nothing may be lost.”

Rev. Dr. Tracy Blackmon tells the story of her “most holy” of Holy Communions.

Dr. Blackmon tells of being fed by Cathy “Mama Cat” Daniels.

Mama Cat had been serving Sunday meals to demonstrators outside the Ferguson Police Department’s headquarters nearly every week since Michael Brown was shot by Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9, 2014.

In Mama Cat’s words, “These [sic] our mothers, and fathers, and brothers, and sisters, and nieces and nephews.

It’s our people, so when we say black lives matter, we need to know that we need to include every last one.

I can’t sleep at night knowing people is laying out in the cold. I spent the night out here two days before Christmas because you got to understand what they going through. You know? That’s what motivates me to keep on going,” she said.

Feeding these people is a characteristic of God’s presence and grace.

God, by grace, abundantly fed the Israelites manna in the wilderness wandering.

God, by grace, abundantly fed a large crowd from 20 loaves of barley bread through a miracle performed by Elijah.

Jesus, by God’s grace, abundantly fed 5,000 from a boy’s five barley loaves and two fish.

These three stories remind us that Jesus brings abundant life in the middle of dire human circumstances.

The stories are also about Jesus’ power to save.

As God freed the Israelites from slavery to freedom, so Jesus frees us.

As Elijah stood against abusive authority, so Jesus speaks with power and authority.

Our Christian faith tells us that our relationship with Jesus’ life-giving power opens to us that same salvation.

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