Apr 29, 2024

Core Spiritual Strength

"But whenever you pray, 
go into your room and shut the door
 and pray to your Father who is in secret; 
and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
(Matthew 6:6)

As my fall risk increased, my doctor prescribed physical therapy.

My first appointment concluded with the therapist saying, “We’ll start by building up your core muscles which are the basis for stability."

So, I wondered what core spiritual practices are the basis for strengthening my faith?

Four core spiritual practices are clear: Bible reading and study, prayer, worship., and acts of justice.

Centering prayer is a core practice which is not an obvious way to deepen your relationship with God. 

Centering Prayer, based on Matthew 6:6, says “But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Centering prayer works like this:

First, “enter your room”, meaning finding a quiet place. 
Choose a sacred word or image to refocus when your thoughts wander.

Second, “shut the door,” by sitting comfortably and silently with your eyes closed. 
Let go of all thoughts, worries, memories, and plans. 

When thoughts, feelings, images, and memories arise, use the sacred word or image to recenter. 

Third, at the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes. 

Finally, offer a prayer to God who is in secret and speaks to you beyond words.

This prayer of being quiet takes effort, yet the silence offers a renewed spiritual strength, an inner peace, a deeper connection with God.

It’s like being with God in an oasis of quiet while surrounded by a world of noise.

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